Air/Sea/Road Multimodal Transport
- At present time, transportation method could be done in various ways, from trucks, trains, ship, plane. The advantage of using Multimodal Transport is given by the most efficient combination of multiple transport modes, optimizing lead times, reducing inventory costs and keeping the level of freight costs under control. Alatas has develop worldwide network of selected partners and Alatas also built consolidated cargo with our partners that could benefit our customers with Less Container Loaded (LCL) or Full Container Loaded (FCL) .
Export/Import Documentation, Formalities, and Consultancy
- Clear your goods through customs and pay all fees in one seamless transaction with our service expert in customs brokerage services for import to Indonesia. We are well versed in all the latest Indonesia Customs regulation, including import BC1.2, BC2.3, BC2, Etc. Our logistics professionals can streamline your entire importing operation. Alatas offers a wide variety of import & Export customs brokerage services designed to suit the needs of business.
- Our customs brokerage department is connected via EDI to Indonesia Customs offering timely clearance of your goods from Indonesia main ports. Our team of logistic experts and customs brokerage are on call to handle all your international import & Export needs.
Warehousing and Consolidation
- Alatas carefully choose warehouse location so that it would be suitable for costumers comfort and need. Each location became important point of target market distribution. Geographically, warehouse location could be selected by several significant factors, such as accessibility, human resources, as well as transportation in order to convey an integrated services. In other hand, product service also become another significant factor to decide the location of the warehouse. Therefore, strategic warehouse location could be a very Important to the Company.
Cargo Insurance
- There are many risks associated with doing business in the global marketplace. That’s why appropriate cargo or freight insurance is necessary to manage the risk of dealing with foreign transactions and investments. Alatas Logistics works closely with underwriters to provide flexible, and economical international and domestic cargo and freight insurance rates. Whether you choose the broadest “all-risk” coverage or a tailored insurance policy, be sure that we will help you choose the right program to meet your needs. With air, ocean, trucking, and rail insurance, you get the peace of mind knowing that in an unfortunate event, your investment is fully protected.
Temporary Export/Import Documantation & Custom Restriction Assistance
- To meet Business demand sometimes Client needs to Import/Export their goods temporarily whether for smooth operational on working site or repairing their machines overseas. Here in Alatas we understand the needs and provide experts to ensure the safety of the Goods in related to transportation and compliance with the Government rules. In addition to this, we also provide assistance to obtain not just Primary Import License but also additional Import License to meet Import Restriction regulation for Client’s Goods